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New experiences.

A fresh look at the flavours of Pomorze.

The glazed-over, beautifully lit hall, often in full sunshine, whose windows overlook the hotel garden and the Sopot avenues, is a charming spot for couples to meet, as well as for larger events with up to 80 people.

On the menu we have plenty of seasonal produce and fish purchased from the local suppliers. It includes both light side dishes, and the nourishing mains from the Nowosopocka Restaurant, as well as excellent, original vegetarian and vegan dishes. The menu is accompanied by a supplement called “Recommended by our Chef”, updated regularly with new lunch and dessert options. Apart from food, there is also the bar menu to consider, where alongside the standard cocktails the Guests can find our own original mixes.


There is a Swedish Buffet, with a rich selection of both warm and cold dishes The buffet offers an abundance of fresh home-made cured meats, roasts, cheeses, dairy products, fish, vegetables, sweet desserts and fruit.

On top of that delicious freshly brewed coffee.


Hours: Mon-Fri from 7 a.m. till 10 a.m., Sat-Sun and on holidays from 8 a.m. till 11 a.m.


For those following a special diet, we can prepare a special menu after we have received advance notification.


With each plateful, and each dish prepared, with each mouthful we would like to convey to our Guests the quintessential flavour, the light nature and the breezy seaside freshness of the Nowosopocka Restaurant.


Hours: daily 1 p.m. – 9 p.m.




Excellent drinks for every occasion. Refreshing in the heat of the day, and stronger in the evenings.

Here, alongside the standard cocktails the Guests can find our own original mixes.


Hous: daily 1.00 p.m.  – 10.00 p.m.

Gala dinners

In the beautufully decorated Conference Room adjoining the restaurant we organize team building events and family gatherings up to 80 persons.

Due to considerations of comfort and privacy of our Hotel Guests, the cut-off time for nighttime events is 11:00 p.m.
